Lis Pendens – What is it and how do I use it.
What is a Lis Pendens. A Lis Pendens, if filed can at least temporarily, prevent a party from selling or transferring the property or stop foreclosure proceedings or. If a Lis Pendens is filed at the Los Angeles County Recorders office, it notifies all possible purchasers, anyone contemplating filing liens or encumbrances, or any and […]
Do You Really Need A Living Trust?
If you pass in an accident or in an accident with your spouse, or shortly after each other, without a trust, your estate may be subject to probate. California has some of the highest attorney fees, which start at 4% of the first $100k of the gross probate estate and can easily add up to […]
Can You Recover Your Attorney’s Fees In Litigation?
The single most frequently asked question by each one of our Clients who become involved in a lawsuit either being sued or suing) is, “Can I recover my attorney’s fees?” The quick answer is, “depends”. Attorney’s fees are recoverable only “sometimes” because not claims include the right to recover attorney’s fees. Generally, there are only […]